Christianity: the plague that destroyed the West


Oct 8, 2023

There has been no greater plague on the world than Christianity, which directly implies compassion for all the weak, the failures and the cowards - a religion of the suffering. What good is Christianity? If not their need to crowd together and share suffering in common... but we vigilantes must be very hard-hearted and bring our feelings of compassion to the judgment seat so that our decision is the most accurate and the most precise. This feeling of pity for all the disabled and the sick could not result in anything other than a kind of psychological leftism. But what is a psychological leftist? A psychological leftist is anyone who identifies with the problems of groups that have the stereotype of being weak, feeble, defeated or apparently repellent. You deny today for eternity; you deny earth in exchange for heaven, but you want to be paid for your "morality"? The warrior is free! The warrior, my friends, is free! The warrior tramples on the state of well-being that the Christian, the woman and the merchant dream of. You must live in wars with your peers and with yourself; be raiders and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers or possessors. The secret to a more heroic life is to live dangerously!

Not peace, but war. We despise any state of peace and give little love to the fleeting and brief state of peace. On the contrary, we want peace in order to promote more war - war against all the values of the losers, the herd animals. You say that when you walk among men, you also walk among animals? You walk among men and if you seek knowledge, stop walking among men, because they become too small to be conceived as "men"... or rather, they are nothing more than a joke for what we want: the beyond of man! We don't want an afterlife or an afterworld, but the Übermensch.

Before, you were able to create a God or Gods... but now this God is dead. Will you be able to create an afterlife? An Übermensch? Before, you saw the horizon and said: God! Today, he sees the horizon and says: Übermensch!

Love peace only as a means to new wars!
Good war is what sanctifies all things. War and courage have done more great things than love. What does it matter that life is hard? Is there any warrior who would like to be spared?
I don't advise you to work, but to fight. I don't advise peace, but victory. Let your work be peace! May your peace be victory!
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