The dangerous myth of white privilege


Dec 3, 2023
The concept of white privilege has become a powerful tool for the left in their efforts to divide Americans along racial lines. They claim that all whites benefit from an inherent system of racism, regardless of their individual circumstances.

But this idea is deeply flawed. Yes, there are undoubtedly instances of institutionalized racism in our society, but to suggest that all whites have an unfair advantage simply because of their skin color is both offensive and inaccurate.

Moreover, this focus on race and victimhood only serves to exacerbate tensions and divisions within our society. It creates a sense of entitlement among minorities while fostering resentment among whites.

Ultimately, the myth of white privilege does more harm than good. It perpetuates stereotypes and prejudices while distracting from genuine issues of inequality and discrimination that still exist in our society.
all i know is i'm never gonna apologize for being white. fuck that noise. why should i apologize for the actions of people before my family was even in the usa?
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